AviFox LLC is USA based accredited registrar for the .fi TLD (Finland), .ax TLD (Åland Islands), .sb TLD (Solomon Islands), .mk TLD (Macedonia), .pw TLD (Palau), .fo TLD (Faroe Islands) and .fm TLD (Federated States of Micronesia). We are proud to offer our clients an extremely high level of service. We have very low prices and very fast registration times (usually under 24hrs). Please feel free to inquire about our registrar services.
All prices are in United States Dollars. If you are interested in purchasing bulk domain names please contact us as we may be able to provide you with a bulk discounted rate.
Price List:
- .ax – $35/year ($95 for 3 years, $145 for 5 years)
- .fo – $60/year
- .fi – $20/year
- .fm – $90/year
- .mk – $25/year
- .pw – $18/year
- .sb – $65/year